Serving the Communities of Franklin Township & Carlisle
About Us
JEMS provides emergency medical service to the residents and visitors of the unincorporated areas of Franklin Township and the Municipality of Carlisle. We respond to emergencies from 2 locations:
Headquarters is at 495 Central Avenue in Carlisle near the Carlisle Business park.
Station 19 (Franklin Township Fire Station) is at 3773 Robinson-Vail Road at the intersection of Rabinson-Vail Road and Barbara Drive.
Our response district covers all of Franklin Township, outside the City of Franklin. It stretches from the Miami Township (Montgomery County) line to the north, the Middletown border in the south, the Madison Township (Butler County) line to the west and Clearcreek Township to the east.
CLICK HERE for service area map.
JEMS works cooperatively with Franklin Township Fire Department and Carlisle Fire Department on motor vehicle crashes, structure fires, and some medical calls.
CLICK HERE for Notice of Privacy Practices.

Free CPR Classes
JEMS will be providing CPR training to residents at NO CHARGE! To sign up for this class residents should call JEMS at (937) 746-3471. Students will need to leave their name, address, telephone number and e-mail address and let us know the date they would like to attend. Instructors are JEMS and CFDF members who completed the American Heart Association CPR Instructor course.
If a company or group wants us to provide CPR training for their organization (nursing home staff, factory first aid teams, etc.), please contact us at (937) 746-3483 ext. 105 to set this up.

Jesse Madden | JEMS Chief

Scot Fromeyer | JEMS Fiscal Officer

Medic 15
2014 Chevrolet G4500
Medix MSV II
Paramedic Equipped Ambulance

Medic 15-2
2014 Chevrolet G4500
Medix MSV II
Paramedic Equipped Ambulance

Medic 15-3
2018 Ford E450
Medix MSV II
Paramedic Equipped Ambulance

Medic 15-4
2010 Ford E450
(Originally purchased in 1999, and remounted on a new chassis in 2010)
Braun Raider/LifeStar Remount
Paramedic Equipped Ambulance

Chief 15
2017 Ford F150
Incident Command
BLS Equipped
JEMS Board
The JEMS Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm.
The Board of Directors for Joint Emergency Medical Service (JEMS) would like to announce and congratulate Jesse Madden who has been promoted to Chief of the EMS Department.
Thank You,
Board Members

Will Bicknell
Carlisle Village

Matthew Jennings
Franklin Township Board of Trustees
Our funding is provided by levies approved by the residents and supplemented by EMS billing. The levies were passed in 1988 (0.8 mil), 1995 (1.0 mil) and the most recent in 2013 (2.61 mil).
JEMS Headquarters
Interested in joining the JEMS team?